But I thought The One was going to usher in peace across the globe?

Obama is Pushing Israel Toward War.

Golly gee.  I totally didn’t see this coming.  I mean, wasn’t part of the Hopenchange deal that the rest of the world was going to respect us more (whatever that means – really, think about it) once the big, bad cowboy was out of office.  Not only is that not happening and never will, but we are losing one of our closest allies. It is sad that the US is about to be on the wrong side of a devastating history.  Thank God Netanyahu is at the helm; I’m loving his secret trip to Russia, albeit as unfortunate as its necessity may be:

The answer lies in the mounting mutual distrust between Israel and its longtime special ally, the United States, over restarting peace talks with the Palestinians. Since the Barack Obama administration has taken charge in Washington, unprecedented pressure has been applied on Israel to completely halt Jewish settlement construction in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

So low is the confidence of Netanyahu’s right-wing government in Obama that an internal memo by Nadav Tamir, the Israeli consul general in Boston, lamented recently that “the distance between us and the US government is causing strategic damage to Israel….Netanyahu’s Russian gambit is a balancing maneuver that is being done on the sly because of the sentiment in Tel Aviv that Obama cannot be trusted.

You got that right, Tel Aviv.

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